Sunday, March 11, 2012

Choosing Our Colors

In the beginning, I wanted my bridesmaids to be dressed like fairies. (And a few of them would have gladly done so!) My fiancĂ© vetoed that idea really quick. But that’s okay, because that gave me the power to veto his wanting an orange tux (I know…it made me want to throw up too!) We went back and forth on colors because he HAD to have orange somewhere in the wedding colors and I didn’t want an all orange wedding. One of my bridesmaids and I came up with the idea of doing a bright orange, a grassy green color, and a chocolate brown to make it earthy. He vetoed that as well! He said he felt like I was settling and that I was too bright of a person to do earth tones for my wedding. (Ugg….I could have totally done earth tones!) But in the end it all worked out because we finally settled on doing neon rainbow colors.  I had 6 bridesmaids and 6 neon colors that I though looked great together. It was perfect! One more thing to check off my newly built and ever-growing to-do list!

I love the symbolism that comes along with rainbows.  They are symbolic of God’s promise to Noah, his family, and all of humanity.  What a wonderful symbol of promise for a wedding! Since rainbows are also seen after a good rain, they further symbolize that we, as man and wife, would have something to look forward to following the rains of hard times. Plus they are colorful and exciting, just like us! 

With there being so many shades of the colors we chose, I spent weeks looking for ribbons that were made of similar material and represented each of the 6 shades in the perfect color.  I finally found them at Michael’s and promptly bought them. :p That night, I cut small pieces of each ribbon and affixed them onto a strip cut from an index card. For the duration of our engagement, I kept the strip near me anytime I did any wedding shopping so that everything was sure to match.  

Later I decided that we really needed an additional color to sort of "tie-in" all these neon shades.  Most people go with silver...I thought about going with black or brown.  We wound up choosing to go with a shimmery copper.  I really like the way that this looks, and it helps to tie in some of the nature stuff more smoothly.  I found a beautiful copper colored ribbon at Wal-Mart.  The color was called "Firefly"...which convinced me that we were meant to use copper, and that I had indeed made the right call on the tie-in color. :p Finding copper stuff did prove to be more challenging than I'd have liked, but I'm still glad we went with it over silver...despite how easy it was to find silver accents! 


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