Sunday, March 11, 2012

Little Attendants DIY

Let's talk about the little ones! We decided to have a flower girl from my side of the family, and a ring bearer from Matt's side. We wanted them to match us rather than the other attendants, so there was some fun DIY involved. 

Our Flower Girl: Callie Jo Freeman 
First of all, we needed to figure out what our flower girl would be tossing about the aisle.  With this being an outdoor wedding, we couldn't use faux flowers.  (It's difficult to find anything other than rose petals anyway...and I definitely didn't want rose petals!) We thought about real petals from other flowers but they were pricey and it was one more thing that would have to wait until the last moment.  After doing a search online, I found something that was absolutely perfect...butterfly-shaped biodegradable confetti!!! Step one, complete.

Next, she needed something to carry down the aisle to hold these water-dissolving butterflies. I took a basket, some colorful ribbon, and some fun multi-colored polka-dot fabric and created, what I consider to be, an adorable vessel for our biodegradable confetti. The basket and ribbon came from Micheal's, and the fabric was some scraps that I happened to have laying around the house. It didn’t take all that long and I only suffered a few minor glue-gun burns and lost a little blood from a wired ribbon poke. All in all, it worked out nicely, and was worth the pain. :p

I felt she also needed a cute corsage to go with her dress.  I found a white rose in the wedding section of Hobby Lobby near the other corsage/boutonniere supplies that was only a dollar.  I took this home and proceeded to color some of the petals different colors using sharpies.  Then I pulled off some copper leaves that I got on clearance at Micheal's after Christmas and hot-glued the whole thing to a velcro-adjustable corsage wristband. It turned out even cuter than I had pictured when I picked up the flower that morning! 

Our Ring Bearer: Triston McCalluer 
We decided that we didn’t want our ring bearer to carry a pillow.  Instead, Matt wanted him to carry a pop-open tennis ball with rings inside, and I wanted to have him carry a bird’s nest. As I was the one making everything...I won that battle. :p I found a cute nest and some feather/Styrofoam birds at Micheal’s.  The nest was a little deep, so I fashioned a hoop out of floral wire and stitched some of the same fabric used for the flower girl basket around it to form a little “drum-looking” pad.  I hot-glued this pad’s sides to the nest on all but one place.  I then took the same ribbon that I used for the flower girl’s basket, twisted it, and hot-glued the ribbon around the sides of the pad. I tucked the ends of the ribbons underneath the pad before hot-gluing it down. I then clipped my little birdies to the sides and sewed in some fake rings to the center for the final touch.

Like I felt about the flower girl, I felt Triston needed a boutonniere. I made him a smaller version of the one that I made for Matt, but instead of putting a copper berry in the center, I hot-glued the center from a glittery mini-poinsetta that I harvested from my Micheal's Christmas clearance crop. It's going to look great on his little vest! :)


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